Demystifying JWT: A Comprehensive Guide to Understanding JSON Web Tokens.

Sebastian Velez Zuluaga
2 min readFeb 2, 2024


Sometimes, we simply write code or, even better, copy it from other projects, chatbots, or various sources without deeply considering what the code is actually conveying. In this discussion, I will explain in a few steps what JWT is, and how and why to set it up in a backend project.

Understanding JWT:

JWT is an open standard used to share security information between two parties, typically the frontend and backend. It serves as a robust tool for authenticating and authorizing users in various applications.

The structure of a JWT is composed of three integral parts: the header, payload, and signature. The header contains essential information about the token, specifying the algorithm and type. Meanwhile, the payload includes user-offered information (claims) or any necessary metadata. The signature, a special string, is crafted to verify and compare the token in both directions.

Configuration in .NET Core:

Setting up JWT in .NET Core is remarkably straightforward; you can easily find the code and integrate it seamlessly. The key lies in understanding and configuring those critical keys necessary for the issuer and audience. The issuer signifies who emits the token, while the audience defines for whom the token is intended.

These keys play a pivotal role as they ensure the integrity, authenticity, and validity of the tokens. A solid grasp of their significance enhances the overall security and reliability of your applications.

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