Debug PHP from VisualCode on Ubuntu server.

In this article I would like to resume the steps that this link provide:
- Install VisualCode.
- Install Remote ssh extension por VisuaCode
- You will need to install remote server on Ubuntu from this link you can choose the version and your architecture.
Run all command with the root user, in this cases works
sudo su
4. Connect VisualCode with the extension ssh-remote press F1 and type ssh, select connect to host, configure the string and test it.
5. Install on your visual this extension Xdebug

6. Go the wizard page, create a file test.php with one phpinfo() inside.
7. Follow the steps, remember use you root user.

8. Very importan in the final step add to in the php.ini
xdebug.remote_enable = 1
xdebug.remote_autostart = 1
9. Connect your VisualCode with your server, select some breakpoint and test it.